ગ્રામ સેવા ટ્રસ્ટ : નહીં માનવીથી અદકેરું કાંઈ.           Our mission is being fulfilled with the help and support of friends and well wishers. We request your continuous support for these activities.            Celebrating 25 Years

Gram Seva Team saves a mother.

One afternoon, a second time pregnant Sitaben (name changed) from interior village of Dang was brought to our hospital in a very serious condition. She was unconscious, with poor vital health parameters and nearly dying. She had labour pains for nearly 24 hours and had not received proper treatment in the interior areas. She had been referred from one hospital to another without any treatment. In the end her condition worsened and Sitaben was referred to Kharel in this serious condition. On examination our doctors found that her uterus had ruptured and the baby was dead. This is a very serious condition where the woman also loses a lot of blood and may also die. She was immediately operated upon and her uterus repaired. Sitaben had lost lots of blood and needed few blood transfusions. She was stable after 17 days of treatment and then sent home. Hard work, diligence and empathy by our doctors and paramedical staff saved this woman and gave back a mother to her first child.

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