ગ્રામ સેવા ટ્રસ્ટ : નહીં માનવીથી અદકેરું કાંઈ.           Our mission is being fulfilled with the help and support of friends and well wishers. We request your continuous support for these activities.            Celebrating 25 Years
Posted by: Admin | Posted on: 2023-05-11 08:18:02

Free Medical and Surgery camps

Interior hilly areas of Dang and Surgana have poor health facilites. Poor economic conditions and lack of facilities make it difficult for patients to seek medical care. Our team of doctors and paramedical staff checked and treated all patients in these camps. Those needing further management were brought to Kharel Hospital and treated. More than 4500 patients were checked and treated in camp and about 300 patients were brought to Kharel for further management. We are grateful to our donors Mrs.Nayna and Mr. Dinesh Shah & their family (U.S.A), Mrs Shazia and Mr. Imran Qadir (U.S.A.) for their support to these camps.

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